I am a senior lecturer (*) in the Faculty of Education in Tokyo Gakugei University. I am an ACT-X researcher.

Previously, I was a senior lecturer of Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics, Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology (SIST), which resides in the western part of the Shizuoka prefecture, approx. 200km away from Tokyo. I am also a visiting researcher at AIRC, AIST, Japan, and ACT-I researcher.

My research interests include natural language processing (NLP), especially in educational NLP using item response theory (IRT) and machine learning (ML).

Previously, I was a researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIRC), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Tokyo, Japan. There, I studied natural language understanding.

Before that, I was a project assistant professor at Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University, a researcher at National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, a postdoc at National Institute of Informatics (JSPS PD, in Prof. Miyao group), in reverse chronological order. I obtained my Ph.D. (Information Science and Technology) at the University of Tokyo, supervised by Prof. Hiroshi Nakagawa, in September 2013.

*: my job title is a “koushi” in Japanese. Previously, SIST approved the use of “associate professor” as the English translation of the Japanese job title “koushi”, so I introduced myself an associate professor in some occasions.

Publications and Achievements:

Please refer to: https://researchmap.jp/yo_ehara/

I also have my research gate page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yo_Ehara


i ATMARK yoehara DOT com
Room R-537, 2200-2, Toyosawa, Fukuroi, Shizuoka, 437-8555, Japan


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